Deb Venuti
Experience and Know How
I am committed to helping businesses maximize their potential through their talent and ease the challenges along the way. Whether we build a solid foundation by focusing on culture, working together on an employee handbook, or recruiting for a needed position, I'm here to help. I'll listen to your challenges, understand what outcomes you're looking for, and customize HR tools to hit those goals.
My Vision
To make workplaces happy and inspiring
My Mission
To provide strategy, tactics and confidence to enable leaders to grow great cultures

Core Values I Believe In
Empower & Enable
Educate and transfer skills, knowledge and know-how
Operate Authentically
Be pragmatic with advice, translating theory to reality on the street
Act with Purpose
Be on time, deliver the goods, explain rationale, ask lots of questions
Respect Confidences
People learn best when they are open and vulnerable; I respect the businesses I support and safely guard all communications
Radiate Positivity
The world is full of too much nastiness – always be friendly and kind